Thursday 14 November 2019

Lesson on November 14th

Part 1. How to practice speaking.

Part 2. Repeating grammar and words

I live(in,at,on) Ryasne and my friend Valentyn lives(in,at,on) Mayorivka. Now I am (in, at) work, I am not (in, at) home.  We  have our English lessons(in, at) NBS (in, on, at) Monday and (in, on, at) Tuesday (on,at) 8 o’clock.  So, I have to wake up (in, at, on) 6 o’clock and go( in, to, on) the bus stop(opposite to, opposite on) “Silpo”.
I get(in,on,at) the bus and go(on,along,in) Shevchenko street(to, for, on) center of the city.  In the morning there are few people walking(in,on,around) the center.
I get (off, out) the bus (in, at, on) Halitska square(opposite, around, near) King Danylo monument.  Then I get( on, in, at) the tram # 8 and go (down, in, on) Franko street.
There are few people going( around, in, on) Halitska square in the morning.  There are also few people going( around, in, on) city center.
Sometimes I get( off, out) the bus (in, at, on) Svoboda Avenue and go to Halitska square( around,  across, in ) the city center.
 There are not many cars(in, at, on) Franko street in the morning.  Then we turn right to Stusa street and go (in, on, down) this street to Syhiv Bridge.
I get (off, out) the tram, go(across, through, via) the road( in, at, on) the traffic lights. Then, I go(across, through, via) the road again.  I get (in, into, at ) the building and go (upstairs, downstairs) to the 3rd floor.
We have our lessons(at,in,  on) the 3rd floor(in, at) different classrooms. There is a coffee machine (in, on, at) the kitchen(at,in,  on) the 3rd floor. There is a big training room across the kitchen.
When I go(to, in, at) the classes(in, at, on) the afternoon, I usually got(on, at, in, into) horrible  traffic jam (in, at, on) Franko street.  This is a narrow street and many cars, trams and buses go (down, up, in, on) it.
Many vehicles go (down, up, in, on)  this street (from, since) center to Syhiv and many vehicles go (down, up, in, on)  this street (from, since) Syhiv to center.  Usually we got stuck (in, on) the traffic jam(at, in, for) 15 minutes.

Rachel is …..    in order to live on her own
doing  her best,
doing  her worst,
doing  nothing

Ross has a crisis. He has to…..
take it  over
get it  over
hand it over

Nestle is going to close  some  offices in other countries. NBS in Lviv will…. their  work.
take  over
get over
hand over

While watching “Friends-1” we…..many new words and phrases.
came across
ran across

We also ….with interesting characters: Monica, Ross, Chandler, Joey and Phoebe
got acquainted
got screwed
go lost

Rachel was ….with her parents control
fed up with
happy with

and she decided to live…
on her own
on their own
on our own.

and she…..with new Friends…
got acquainted
got married
got divorced

Chandler and Joey think that Ross … his wife because she got all furniture and TV and he got only them.
got acquainted
got screwed
got divorced

The Friends usually….. in a café  “Central Perk”
hang out
hang around
hang on

Monica is going( out, in, on) with Paul  for dinner because he
asked her
asked her out
asked her in

But she says that it is not a real …

She can .. the dinner because Ross(got married, got divorced)
call out
call off
call in

When you work in open space  you have (do your best, do your worst) to
get along with people,  get scared ) in order to avoid conflicts at work.

Getting along/getting on  with people means:
being nice to them
avoiding  conflicts
not to listening to loud music
all aforementioned things

Part 2. New Grammar

1) Questions to subject( підмет).
Who pays for Rachel's credit card?  Who knows the answer?  Who lives here? Who broke the window?  Who did it? 

2) Questions to different parst of a sentence(special questions):
I like to drink tea after work.  I like to drink tea in front of TVset after work.  
He work at school for all his life. 
She left her office at 6 o'clock yesterday.
They will go to Poland in the next week. 

3) Complex object with bare infinitive( infinitive without "to") after see, hear, feel.
We can see thousands retailers scream( screaming). 
I saw him work hard(working hard)
I heard her give birth to a child.
I felt his mood change
I heard him become  a manager
I saw her talk on the phone( talking on the phone)
I feel him lie to me( lying to me)

Part 3. Tests

1) Questions in English

2) Past Continuous vs Past Simple

3) How to say future in English(Future Simple, going to, Present Continuous).