Wednesday 2 October 2019

The homework for the lesson on October 1

Part 1. Work with the cartoon "Horrid Henry". "The Sports day". 

1) Watch the cartoon( or a part of it). 
2) Write down new words and phrases( or memorize them in another way). 
3) Retell what you have just watched( in order to practice speaking) 
3) Watch the cartoon( or a part of it) for  the 2nd time repeating after speakers( in order to improve pronunciation and memorize the new words better) . 

Check if you know these words and phrases.

provided it doesn’t rain of course
a sacrifice
tummy ache

You are just pretending so you can get out of sports day. 
doesn’t matter
Don’t even think of getting sent home like last week.
It’s not winning that counts. It’s how you play the game.
Let’s comb your hair..
Not if you get a willpower!

I’m in charge, Henry… so you do exactly what I say. 

-You reckon
-I reckon

That’s the trouble with Sports Day. It brings out the worst in people!

Ready! Get set! Go!=Ready. Steady. Go!

I can’t go in there.  Mom is going to be so disappointed at me!

What day is tomorrow?  How does Henry treat it? How does his mom treats this day? How does his brother Peter treats sports day at school?
 What is Henry  doing for not to go to  sports day?  What does his mother say on it?
What does Peter think about Henry’s prospects to win the sports challenge? 
What does Miss lovely says about winning and playing the game? 
Who’s Henry’s partner in 3 legs race?  Who is in charge?  Are they collaborating effectively? Was Henry sent at home after the race? 
What happened during eggs contest? Who staged(подстроить)   all the trouble?  Does Henry set up(подставить)  Peter?
Does Henry care about the race? What does Margaret think about Henry’s attitude(point of view)?
How did Henry win the race? Did he win in an honest way? 
How does Peter feel after the Sports day?  What deal does Henry offer to him? 

Part2. Working with videos( movies, series, cartoons).

1) Read the article with some ideas on how we can work with videos.