Thursday 26 September 2019

Lesson on September 26.

Part 1. Working with the song. 

Part 2. Repeating grammar. 

Some, any, no.

У тебе є якісь ідеї, як нам потрапити до гуртожитка?
Ні, зараз нема ніяких ідей. А у тебе?
-Я маю ідею.. Треба дати гроші вахтеру( security guard).. У тебе є гроші?
-Зараз у мене нема грошей… Але зачекай трохи..Я сходжу додому.  У бабці у шафі мають бути гроші. 

Passive Sentences( Passive Voice).

Зараз наш район реконструюється. Автомобільні дороги ремонтуються.  Кладеться( to lay)  новий асфальт.  Прокладаються(to pave)  нові пішохідні доріжки( pedestrian pathways).  Ремонт буде закінчений до грудня.
Ваш район реконструюється? Дороги у вашому районі ремонтуються?  Коли дороги у вашому районі ремонтувалися останній раз?

Трамвайна лінія на Сихів прокладалася у 2014-2015 роках. Робота робилася (carry out) компанією «Онур».   Вона була закінчена у 2016 році.
У мерії( city administration) обіцяють наступного року буде зроблено трамвайну лінію від вул. Замарстинівської до вул. Мазепи.  Роботи будуть виконуватися( carry out)  компанією «Онур»( знову). Також говорять що буде збудована дорога від Левандівки до Рясного. 

Reflexive pronoun: myself, yourself, himself, herself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves.
Не заважай мені. Я зроблю все сам.
Не треба йому допомогати. Він сам зробить вправу.
Я не зможу прийти завтра.  Ти будеш робити ремонт сам.
Не треба їй казати що робити. Вона знає це сама.
Не треба нам допомогати. Ми перевеземо речі самі.
Не треба їм казати де Оперний Театр. Вони знайдуть його самі.

Він сам вивчив англійську. Вона сама розв'язала задачу(a problem).  Ми самі знайшли дорогу. Вони самі збудували будинок. 

Part 3. Speaking.

Advantages and disadvantages of living in Ukraine.

What are advantages of living in Ukraine?
What are disadvantages of living in Ukraine?
Do the Ukrainians have access to education? I.e: is it easy to  get basic education/high education  in Ukraine?
Do the Ukrainians have access to health care?
Is it the problem of malnutrition(not eating enough) in Ukraine?  
What are the opportunities for making career in Ukraine?
Is Ukraine a democratic country: i.e can the citizens of Ukraine elect their authorities?
What is the situation with human rights in Ukraine? Are human rights protected in Ukraine?  Are human rights violated in Ukraine?
Is it freedom of speech in Ukraine?
Is it freedom or religion in Ukraine?
Are senior people protected in Ukraine?

Did you ever think of emigration?  Why?
Why so many people are working abroad?
Why some people leave Ukraine?
Why some people come to live in Ukraine? 

Do you agree with English sayings: 

"The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence".

"There is no place like home"

"Before I came to America, I thought the streets were paved in gold. When I came here I learned three things: The streets were not paved in gold, the streets weren't paved, and that I was expected to pave them".

Part 4. Dealing with articles. 

Вправа 1: Вставьте артикль там де це необхідно:
1.      This is ... book. It is my ... book. 2. Is this your ... pencil? — No, it isn't my ... pencil, it is ray sister's ... pencil. 3. I have ... sister. My ... sister is ... engineer. My sister's ... husband is ... doctor. 4. I have no ... handbag. 5. Is this ... watch? — No, it isn't ... watch, it's ... pen. 6. This ... pen is good, and that ... pen is bad. 7. I can see ... pencil on your ... table, but I can see no ... paper. 8. Give me ... chair, please. 9. They have ... dog and two ... cats. 10. I have ... spoon in my ... plate, but I have no ... soup in it.

Вправа 2: Вставьте артикль там де це необхідно:
This is ... tree. ... tree is green. 2. I can see three ... boys. ... boys are playing. 3. I have ... bicycle. ... bicycle is black. My ... friend has no ... bicycle. 4. Our ... room is large. 5. We wrote ... dictation yesterday. ... dictation was long. 6. She has two ... daughters and one ... son. Her ... son is ... pupil. 7. My ... brother's ... friend has no ... dog. 8. This ... pencil is broken. Give me that ... pencil, please. 9. She has ... ball. ... ball is ... big. 10. I got ... letter from my ... friend yesterday. ... letter was interesting.

Вправа на артикль "the".
першого січня, другого лютого, третього березня, двадцять першого квітня.
найкращий, найгірший, найбільший, найпотужніший, найдорожчий
такий самий, така сама, таке саме.
Карпати, Альпи,
Чорне море, Азовське море, Середземне море.
Атлантичний океан, Тихий Океан,  Північний Льодовитий Океан.
Дніпро, Дунай
Об’єднане королівство, Сполучені Штати, Нідерланди.
Сонце, Земля, Всесвіт
зранку, вдень, ввечорі.
на півночі, на півдні, на заході, на сході
на північ, на південь, на захід, на схід 

Part 4. Converasational English--5.

One day Valentyn made up his mind  to go to the dorm # 3 in Medova Pechera street.
He went out of his house in Pasichna street,  crossed the road and made his way down  Medova Pechera street.
But when he came down to the dorm he was held up by a security guard on the first floor at the turnstile.
You are not allowed to come in.. said the guard.  You are not a student.
Valentyn was caught up by surprise.  Up to now/until now  it was easy to get into the dorm… He said… I’m Valik.. everybody knows me here.. I have been coming to this place for years
Valentyn was doing his best to explain the guard … but the security turned down all his explanations.  The people who are not registered in the dorm are not allowed to get it here… Go away.
Then, Valentyn tried to bribe the guard. He offered him 50 hrivnas.. but the guard didn’t give in to it… He turned down Valentyn’s money.
So, Valentyn had to get out of the dorm. He was hanging around trying to figure out what to do.
Then, he  run into Sergiy who was heading to the dorm.
-Hello Valik.  Why are you hanging around  here and not get in.
- I came down to Oksana to ask her out for a walk  but the new guard held me up.. he doesn’t let me in. I’m  racking my brain trying to figure out how to solve this problem.
-Ah.. yeah, we have a new.. It’s a prob.. Let’s think and work out something. 

Wednesday 25 September 2019

Homework for the lesson on Sept. 24.

Part 1.  Exercises for some, any, no.

Part 2. Exercises for articles. 

Вправа 1: Вставьте артикль там де це необхідно:
1.      This is ... book. It is my ... book. 2. Is this your ... pencil? — No, it isn't my ... pencil, it is ray sister's ... pencil. 3. I have ... sister. My ... sister is ... engineer. My sister's ... husband is ... doctor. 4. I have no ... handbag. 5. Is this ... watch? — No, it isn't ... watch, it's ... pen. 6. This ... pen is good, and that ... pen is bad. 7. I can see ... pencil on your ... table, but I can see no ... paper. 8. Give me ... chair, please. 9. They have ... dog and two ... cats. 10. I have ... spoon in my ... plate, but I have no ... soup in it.

Вправа 2: Вставьте артикль там де це необхідно:
This is ... tree. ... tree is green. 2. I can see three ... boys. ... boys are playing. 3. I have ... bicycle. ... bicycle is black. My ... friend has no ... bicycle. 4. Our ... room is large. 5. We wrote ... dictation yesterday. ... dictation was long. 6. She has two ... daughters and one ... son. Her ... son is ... pupil. 7. My ... brother's ... friend has no ... dog. 8. This ... pencil is broken. Give me that ... pencil, please. 9. She has ... ball. ... ball is ... big. 10. I got ... letter from my ... friend yesterday. ... letter was interesting.

Tuesday 24 September 2019

LIving nextdoor to Alice.

Sally called when she got the word
She said, "I suppose you've heard about Alice"
Well, I rushed to the window and I looked outside
But I could hardly believe my eyes
As a big limousine rolled up into Alice's drive
I don't know why she's leaving or where she's gonna go
I guess she's got her reasons but I just don't wanna know
'Cause for twenty-four years I've been living next door to Alice
Twenty-four years just waiting for a chance
To tell her how I feel and maybe get a second glance
Now I've got to get used to not living next door to Alice
Grew up together, two kids in the park
Carved our initials deep in the bark, me and Alice
Now she walks through the doors with her head held high
Just for a moment I caught her eye
As a big limousine pulled slowly out of Alice's drive
I don't know why she's leaving or where she's gonna go
I guess she's got her reasons but I just don't wanna know
'Cause for twenty-four years I've been living next door to Alice
Twenty-four years just waiting for a chance
To tell her how I feel and maybe get a second glance
Now I've got to get used to not living next door to Alice
Then Sally called back, and asked how I felt
Then she said, "I know how to help get over Alice"
She said, "Now Alice is gone, but I'm still here"
You know, I've been waiting for twenty-four years
And the big limousine disappeared

Lesson on September 24.

Part 1. Speaking. 

Climate changes
What do you know about climate changes in the world? 
Do you think it’s a problem? 
Why European countries are so concerned about this issue?
 Do you feel any changes in the climate?
How would you describe the climate in Ukraine?
Are you happy with the climate in Ukraine? 

Donald Trump
Who is Donald Trump?
What do you think about him?
What did he do being the President of USA since autumn 2016?
Why so many people like/don’t like Donald Trump?
Does he have charisma?
Does he have charm?
If you were an American citizen, would you vote for Donald Trump?

Advantages and disadvantages of living in Ukraine.

What are advantages of living in Ukraine?
What are disadvantages of living in Ukraine?
Do the Ukrainians have access to education? I.e: is it easy to  get basic education/high education  in Ukraine?
Do the Ukrainians have access to health care?
Is it the problem of malnutrition(not eating enough) in Ukraine?  
What are the opportunities for making career in Ukraine?
Is Ukraine a democratic country: i.e can the citizens of Ukraine elect their authorities?
What is the situation with human rights in Ukraine? Are human rights protected in Ukraine?  Are human rights violated in Ukraine?
Is it freedom of speech in Ukraine?
Is it freedom or religion in Ukraine?
Are senior people protected in Ukraine?

Did you ever think of emigration?  Why?
Why so many people are working abroad?
Why some people leave Ukraine?
Why some people come to live in Ukraine? 

Do you agree with English sayings: 

"The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence".
"There is no place like home"

"Before I came to America, I thought the streets were paved in gold. When I came here I learned three things: The streets were not paved in gold, the streets weren't paved, and that I was expected to pave them".

Part 2. Grammar-1. Repeating grammar.

Займенники в непрямих відмінках( об’єктному відмінку).
Я дізнався про нього від неї. Вона сказала мені що знає його з дитинства. Вона просила мене не довіряти йому. 
Ми не скажемо тобі, що ми дізналися від них.  Ми їм не довіряємо тому будемо вести себе дуже обережно з ними.

Це приємна новина для нас.  Для нас дивно чути що ви зацікавилися нашим проектом. 

Наше замовлення не виконане( to make order) , тому гроші не будуть перераховані вам наступного тижня.  Також стандартів не дотримано( to meet standards)  і побажання клієнта не взяті до уваги( take into account).
Товар був відправлений вчора. Митне оформлення( Custom clearance)  буде проведено завтра. 

Part 3.  Working with the song. 

Part 4. Grammar-2. Determinantes in English. Articles in English. 

В англійській мові іменник рідко вживається сам по собі. Як правило перед іменником має стояти так званий «визначник»(«детермінант) Детермінанти зв’язують іменник з контекстом речення.

This is a table.  I am a teacher.  She finished her work. We will go to the Carpathians.  Give me some money please. I don’t have any money now.

До таких детермінантів( визначників) іменника відносять:
1. Артиклі a (an), the, що вказують на те, чи є відомим предмет, про який говорять:
There is a ball. The ball is mine. – Є м’яч. М’яч належить мені.
We have some sugar. – В нас є цукор. She doesn’t have any hobby. – В неї немає хобі.

This is my car and that is my house. – Це моя машина, а то – мій дім.
4Присвійні займенники my, his, her, its, our, your, their:
Her children are at school now. – Її діти зараз у школі.
5Неозначені займенники much, many, little, few, each, every, either, neither:
Each person has a dream. – у кожної людини є мрія.
6Питальні займенники what, which и whose:
What do you like the most? – Що тобі найбільше подобається?
Mike’s wife seems tired. – Дружина Майка виглядає втомленою.
8.  Кількісні числівники: один, два, три…

Визначники завжди знаходяться перед визначальним ними іменником і в одному реченні не може бути  двох детермінантів для одного іменника.
Відповідно, артиклі не вживаються якщо перед іменником стоїть один з вищезазначених видів детермінантів. 

Put in “some, any, no”, where it is necessary.

I bought …. books.
Are there ….books on your shelf? Yes, there are … books and …. magazines..
Did you by ….milk?   No, I didn’t buy …milk, but I bought….sour cream.
Is it….news from Roman?  No, there is….information from him.
Would you like…tea?  No, I don’t want…tea… But I would like….coffee.
Did your aunt send you … money?   My aunt  sent me….pictures but she didn’t send me…..postcards.
Are there … new pupils in your class?  Yes, there are…..

Friday 20 September 2019

Homework for the lesson on Sept 19

1) Pls, do the online test for pre intermediate students.

2) Pls, watch the song " I will survive"+lyrics( text) to the song again

 and answer the following questions. 

Was the person petrified? Why? 
How did she spend many nights? 
Did she learn how to get along? 
What she should have done? 
Who has come back to bother her?  Where did he come from?
Did she fall apart? How did she manage not to fall apart? 
What did she use to do?
Who does she save her love for? 

Thursday 19 September 2019

Lesson on September 19.

Part 1. Working with the song.

Part 2. Conversational English -4.

The management didn’t turn down our plan.  And it turned out to be a  right decision.  Our plan worked out well.   It didn’t let us down.  When we turned on the electricity all equipment began to work, as it was planned.  Everybody cheered up.
I was happy that the new equipment didn’t let me down.   If it did I would be 
kicked out of the company tomorrow.  The general manager clearly pointed it out on our last management meeting.  I saw him hanging around the 
workshop checking if every machine is working well.  He was doing his best to make sure that the money invested into it will pay off.

Turn: turn on/off, turn up, turn out, turn down, turn around

Hang: hang on, hang out, hang around

 HoldHold on,  Hold out the hands

Look:  Look for, Look through, Look after

Part 3. Testing grammar. 

1) Translate into English, pls. 

Діана вчить англійську. Діана вчить англійську зараз. Діана вчить англійську зі мною вже майже 3 роки.  Діана вже вивчила основи англійської граматики.

 Я викладаю англійську. Я викладаю англійську зараз. Я викладаю англійську вже 18 років. Коли вона подзвонила мені-я проводив урок.  Я проводив урок з 6-ї години.  Коли вона подзвонила ми вже закінчили граматичну частину і  працювали над словниковим запасом.

 Андрій читає книжку. Він читає книжку зараз. Він вже прочитав 15 сторінок. Він читає книжку з самого ранку.

Коли я прийшов додому вчора, він читав книжку. Він читав книжку з самого ранку вчора.  Він вже прочитав 5 сторінок до цього моменту.
Святослав зараз зайнятий. Він вже купив усі необхідні деталі( parts) і зараз він ремонтує монітор.  Він ремонтує монітор з самого ранку. Він відремонтує комп’ютер до вечора. 

2) On line grammar test. 

Part 3. Articles in English. 

В англійській мові злічувальний іменник в однині має вживатися з неозначеним артиклем
a house, a friend, a bag, a student, a table
Це граматичне явище часто  проявляється в ситуаціях з дієсловом to be( am, is, are, was, were) This is a house.  This is a bag.  I am a student. He is a doctor.  Також воно помітно в ситуаціях з дієсловом to have:  I have a friend. She has a house. They have a shop.
Оскільки неозначений артикль вживається в тільки перед злічувальними іменниками і тільки в однині, і крім того існує багато ситуацій коли артиклі вживати взагалі не треба - то неозначений артикль в англійських реченнях зустрічається не дуже часто .
Неозначений  артикль також вживається:

2) замість слова one
I will be back in an hour
He will come in a day.
We could stay in London for only a day

3) В усталених виразах
a few – трошкидекілька--I have a few mandarins in my bag
a little – трошкинебагато
-I have a little money today
a lot of – багато
-Ukraine has a lot of problems in economy
a number of - деяка кількість
-I have a number of friends in Kiyv
at a distance of - на відстані
-The supermarket is at a distance of about 300 meters from my house
at a speed of - зі швидкістюна швидкості
at a time - за один раз
-One life at a time
for a long / short time – протягом тривалого / короткого часу
in a hurry –  квапливо
-I am always in a hurry in the morning
to go for a walk – піти на прогулянку
- I like to go for a walk to Pohulyankf park.

I will survive

Part 1. Working with songs.

I will survive. 

At first I was afraid, I was petrified( scared)
Kept thinking I could never live without you by my side
But then I spent so many nights thinking how you did me wrong
And I grew strong
And I learned how to get along(do without something)
And so you're back
From outer space
I just walked in to find you here with that sad look upon(on) your face
should have changed that stupid lock, I should have made you leave your key
If I'd known for just one second you'd be back to bother(disturb) me
Go on now, go, walk out the door
Just turn around now
'Cause you're not welcome anymore
Weren't you the one who tried to hurt me with goodbye
Do you think I'd crumble( crash)
Did you think I'd lay down and die?
Oh no, not I, I will survive
Oh, as long as I know how to love, I know I'll stay alive
I've got all my life to live
And I've got all my love to give and I'll survive
I will survive, hey, hey
It took all the strength I had not to fall apart
Kept trying hard to mend( fix) the pieces of my broken heart
And I spent oh-so many nights just feeling sorry for myself
I used to cry
But now I hold my head up high and you see me
Somebody new
I'm not that chained-up little person and still in love with you
And so you felt like dropping in and just expect me to be free
Well, now I'm saving all my lovin' for someone who's loving me

Tuesday 17 September 2019

Lesson on September 17.

Part 1. Conversational English-3.

One day in December I was going  down  Pasichna  street heading toward Dormitory # 4. Near the dorm I bumped into Valentyn who was heading to the tram stop near Lychakivskiy park.
I was caught by surprise.  I didn’t expect to run into Valentyn in this part of the city.
-Hey, Val ,  how’re you doing?  It’s a surprise to run into you here.  Why are you hanging around in this part of the city?
-Hi, hey. Oh, that’s pretty simple.  I’m living around here.
-You’re living around In this area?  I guess you live in Hertzena  street. You didn’t leave me your address.
-Oh, it’s my fault.. I’m sorry. Sasha is the one who  lives in Hertzena street.  By the way,  we are running a party on Sunday.  If you wanna hang out with us…join in!
-Oh. Thank you. I’d be glad to hang out with you guys.  Are Sasha and Kostya going to turn up?
-Yeah, they are coming 100 % sure.  Come along/over at 7. Here is my address. Now I’m sorry. I gotta go. Have meeting in center in 30 minutes. Am out of time.
-Sure, thank you for inviting me.  See you on Sunday,  then
-Never mind.  Take care.

He was doing his best to hook up a girl in the club but his plan didn’t work out.
He was coming up to the girls trying to chat them up but they told him to back off.
He couldn’t make why they turned him down, but it was clear that he had to think up of something new.  Maybe work out a bit.

Part 2. Grammar. Past Perfect Tense.

Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "Past Perfect"

When I came home yesterday I saw my wife cooking the dinner( supper).  And I got a little angry because I was a little hungry.  I supposed that she had already cooked the dinner. 

I asked her why she had not finished her cooking  yet.   She replied that she had come home late today.  

Valentyn was calling me all the day yesterday.  By the evening he had called me more than 10 times.
On Sunday Diana had done all her  homework by  16:00 because at 16:00 they went to circus.

Are you still working on this project?
No, we had finished it by beginning of September.

Part 3.  Vocabulary. Medical Vocabulary( Revision)

Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "Medical vocabulary"

Exercise.  Answer the following questions, pls. 

1) What is this?  What do they do with this thing?
Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "a syringe"

2) Is it the result of  an x-ray or an ultrasound diagnostics?
Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "x-ray"

3) Have you ever done MRI( magnetic resonanse imaging)? Was it expensive?

4) Do you have a first aid kit at home?

5) Do you know how to call an  ambulance?

6) A patient is a person who.......

7) What is the difference between a doctor and a nurse?

8)  When my head aches I have a ..... When my stomach aches I have a ....

9) Fevercoughrunny nose and a sore throat are the  symptoms of ..... or......

10) How do you usually treat cold?( what do you do to get rid of it?)

11)  Do you think that  pills/tablets effective medicine? Do you belive in folk medicine?

12) Are the words "ache" and "hurt", the synonyms?

Part 4. Grammar. Articles in English. 

1)     Вживання неозначеного артикля a/an

Неозначений артикль а/an -походить від слова one-один.

1)     з злічувальними іменниками в однині
В англійській мові злічувальний іменник в однині має вживатися з неозначеним артиклем

a house, a friend, a bag, a student, a table

Це граматичне явище часто  проявляється в ситуаціях з дієсловом to be( am, is, are, was, were) This is a house.  This is a bag.  I am a student. He is a doctor.  

Також воно помітно в ситуаціях з дієсловом to have:  I have a friend. She has a house. They have a shop.

Оскільки неозначений артикль вживається  тільки перед злічувальними іменниками і тільки в однині, і крім того існує багато ситуацій коли артиклі вживати взагалі не треба - то неозначений артикль в англійських реченнях зустрічається не дуже часто .
Неозначений  артикль також вживається:

2) замість слова one
I will be back in an hour
He will come in a day.
We could stay in London for only a day

3) В усталених виразах

a few – трошкидекілька--I have a few mandarins in my bag
a little – трошкинебагато-I have a little money today
a lot of – багато-Ukraine has a lot of problems in economy 
a number of - деяка кількість-I have a number of friends in Kiyv
for a long / short time – протягом тривалого / короткого часу
in a hurry –  квапливо-I am always in a hurry in the morning
to go for a walk – піти на прогулянку- I like to go for a walk to Pohulyanka park.

Артиклі не вживаються коли перед іменником стоїть:

1)     Присвійний займенник (мій, твій, його, її ...).
2)     Вказівний займенник (this, that, those, there)
3)     Займенники (some, any, no, every)
4)     Кількісний числівник (один, два, три ....)
5)     Іменник у  присвійний відмінку (Sergіy's pen)