Thursday 8 August 2019

Lesson on August 8,

Repeating grammar:  Infinitive of Purpose, Complex Object,  should have done,  Conditional Sentences.

 Infinitive of purpose and complex object after “want”:  I want you to come tomorrow.

Я дзвоню мамі два рази на тиждень щоб дізнатися як у  неї справи.   Я хочу щоб вона розповіла мені що вона робить ці дні.
Моя мама хоче щоб я дзвонив їй частіше.   Вона хоче щоб я розповідав їй більше про свої справи. 
Інколи він виходить на роботу у вихідні для того щоб заробити більше грошей. Його дружина хоче щоб він не ходив на роботу а більше часу проводив з нею. Він хоче щоб дружина розуміла його мотиви.
Інколи мої сусіди слухають музику вночі під нашими вікнами. Я хочу щоб вони припинили робити це.   Я хочу щоб вони поважали мене та інших сусідів.
Він любить працювати. Вона любить слухати музику. 

Should have done something/shouldn’t have done something.
Мені треба було подзвонити мамі вчора. Вона чекала на мій дзвінок до 11-ї вечора.
Мені треба було відправити флешку ще минулого тижня.  Я пообіцяв це зробити ще місяць тому.
Мені не треба було прати речі вчора тому що вчора пішов дощ.
Їй не варто було підключатися до цього провайдера, зараз вона не може замінити його.
Мені не треба було стільки їсти вчора ввечорі.  Я зовсім не був голодний.
Олегу не треба було починати курити. Зараз він не може кинути цю погану звичку. .  

Умовні речення( Conditional Sentences).

Conditional 2(  condition in Present).
If you had extra money would you invest it into a business project?
If you had free time, would you learn a foreign language.  What foreign language would you learn if you had time for it?
If you friend asked you to give him/her a lot of money, would you do it?
If you saw a homeless cat/dog in the street would you take him to home? What would you do in this situation?
If another Internet provider offered you better terms of connecting to the Internet would you change you Internet provider?

Conditional 1 (Condition in Future).
If you have extra money in the future, will you invest it into a business project?
If you have free time in the future, will  you learn a foreign language.  What foreign language will  you learn if you have time for it?
If you see a homeless cat/dog in the street will you take him to home? What will  you do in this situation?
If another Internet provider offers  you better terms of connecting to the Internet will  you change you Internet provider?

Grammar-2.  Gerund in English.   Some other sutiations when we can use Gerund. 

Дякую що допомогаєте мені.  Вибачте що перебиваю вас.   Припиніть втручатися у наші справи!  Продовжуйте працювати над цією проблемою.  Ви маєте кинути палити.  

Speaking-1. America( the USA) and the Americans. 

What are the similarities and the differences between the Americans and the Ukrainians?

Some facts about America and the Americans. 

1. America is enormous: the third largest country in the world with a population of more than 300 million people.

2. Americans come in all colors, have all types of religions, and speak many languages from all over the world.

3. Americans are extremely independent, individualistic, and like to be different from each other.

4. 66% of Americans are overweight; 37% of those are obese.

5. Americans believe in freedom of choice.

6. Americans need a lot of “elbow room”; they like personal space around them.

7. Approximately 1% of Americans are homeless (3.5 million people).

8. Americans talk easily to the homeless but use good judgment and are careful with whom they talk.

9. Sadly, the streets of major cities are often dirty.

10. Many people, especially teenagers, wear strange clothes, and many have tattoos and body piercings.

11. Americans follow the rule of law.

12.Discriminating against or making any insulting statement about someone else’s religion or ethnicity is against the law and could be punishable as a hate crime.

12. You must be over the age of 21 and you must have an identification card with a photo to buy or drink alcohol.

13. In most states, it is illegal to buy cigarettes if you are under the
age of 18 and often you can only smoke in certain places.

Americans are extremely informal and call most people by their first name or nickname.

15. Americans smile a lot and talk easily to strangers, sharing personal stories.

Vocabulary-1. Заважати=disturb, interrupt, prevent from, hamper.

For many countries, corruption continues to undermine the rule of law and hamper the public sector's ability to meet development goals.

In particular, the food crisis was highlighted as a challenge that could hamper development efforts in all areas.

To that end, threats to shipping and other forms of restriction that may hamper freedom of navigation of the seas should be addressed.

Furthermore, climate response measures should be supportive of the Millennium Development Goals and not hamper its realization.

I thought you'd hamper my work.