Sunday 30 June 2019

Lesson on June 27

Vocabulary -1. Cosmetics

Grammar.  Conditional 2(Умовні речення з умовою у теперішньому часі...) 

Explanation of Conditional 2 from Irina Shipilova.

Examples of using Conditional 2

Exercise for Conditional 2 you can see/download from here:

Vocabulary -2. Alcoholic drinks in English. 

Wednesday 26 June 2019

Lesson on June 25

Grammar-1. Passive Simple(Simple Passive)  from Irina Shipilova.

Grammar-2. Passive Continuous(Continuous Passive) from Irina Shipilova.

Vocabulary -1. Health problems.

Vocabulary -2. Fitness vocabulary

Saturday 22 June 2019

Lesson on June 20.

Grammar. Passive Sentences(Passive Voice).

The exercise for passive voice you may download from  here:

Vocabulary. Parts of the body

Watch the video.

Do the picture game for parts of the body

Wednesday 19 June 2019

Lesson # 9( on June 18). Passive Sentences+preposition "by".

Прийменник "by" вказує на те ким зроблена дія.  Він часто вживається у "пасивних реченнях".

Пасивні речення це речення у яких дія відбувається не підметом, а над підметом. 

Це речення типу:  Робота зроблена. Проблема вирішена. Лист написаний. Проект завершений. і т.п. 

Граматична формула пасивних речень( у форматі Simple)

Пасивні речення= to be( аm,is,are,//was, were//will be) +дієслово у 3-й формі.
The work is done. The problem is solved. The letter is written.

Пасивні речення, так само як і активні виражають дії які відбуваються у 3-х часах: in  Present, Past, Future . 

The work was done yesterday-Past
The work is done -Present
The work will be done tomorrow-Future

Дія ввжажається минулою якщо у реченні є слова yesterday, last( last week, last year), ago, або це очевидно з контексту. 

Теоретичний матеріал про пасивні речення можна почитати/завантажити тут:

On the page "Cartoons in English" it was published a new cartoon. "Horrid Henry"(with subtitles). Episode 1. Perfect Day.+task for this episode.

Vocabulary and questions to this episode is here:

Friday 14 June 2019

Lesson # 8( on June 13).

Grammar-1. Phrasal verbs in English. 

Watch the video that contains phrasal verbs.  Then, do the exercises under the video.

Grammar-2. Revising(repeating)  Present, Past and Future.

Exercise for Present, Past and Future with answer keys is here:

Grammar 3.  Revising( repeating) prepositions of time and prepositions of place.

Do this exercise on the prepositions of time and prepositions of place.

Tuesday 11 June 2019

Lesson #7 ( on June 11)

 Grammar -1. Future in English. 

There are several ways how we can express Future in English: 

1) Future Simple:  I will have 2   Englsih lessons tomorrow.
2) to be+going+infinitive:  I'm going to have 2 English lessons tomorrow. 
3)  Present Continuous:  I'm having 2 English lessons tomorrow. 
4) to be+about+infinitive: I'm about to have 2 English lessons tomorrow. 
5) Present Simple: I plan to have 2 English lessons tomorrow. 

Grammar-2. Combination of verb+preposition.  Phrasal verbs.

Some verbs should go with certain preposition. 

to wait for
to depend on
to listen to
to talk to 

Sometimes this combination of verb+preposition has different meaning than the verb on its own( сам по собі) . These combinations are called "phrasal verbs".  Below there are some examples of phrasal verbs. 

to look:  look for, look through, look after, look forward to...
to turn: turn on, turn off, turn up( з'являтися), turn out-виявлятися
to get:  get along  with ( знаходити спільну мову з )
to work:  work out. 

Exercise for verb+prepositions and for phrasal verbs with answer keys is here:

Vocabulary. Character and personality. 

Saturday 8 June 2019

Lesson #6( on June 6). Speaiking about today. Contract Vocabulary

Speaking about today.


In American English when they speak about today events( that already happened) they usually use Past Simple. 
Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "Past Simple"      

In British English they sometimes use Past Simple, sometimes Present Perfect. 


рахунок-invoice, bill, account
умови контракту-terms of contract
умови оплати-terms of payment
умови поставки-terms of delivery

реквізити компанії-company details
рееєстраційний номер компанії-company registration number
номер платника податків-taxpayer number

банквські реквізити-bank details
банківський рахунок-bank details
swift/bic номер-swift/bic code

A SWIFT code is an international bank code that identifies particular banks worldwide. It’s also known as a Bank Identifier Code (BIC). CommBank uses SWIFT codes to send money to overseas banks. A SWIFT code consists of 8 or 11 characters. 

Wednesday 5 June 2019

Lesson # 5( on June 4th)

Grammar part- 1. Prepositions of movement and prepositions of place in English. 

The 2nd part of exercise for prepositions of movement and prepositions of place( about getting to NBS) with answer keys you may open/download here: 

Vocabulary part.  Household chores.

Grammar part-2.  Pronouns in Objective Case in English. 

Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "pronouns in objective case"